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Fig. 5 | Movement Ecology

Fig. 5

From: Multi-isotope (δ2H, δ13C, δ15N) feather profiles and morphometrics inform patterns of migratory connectivity in three species of North American swallows

Fig. 5

Clusters representing potential areas of non-breeding origin for A Bank, B, Barn, and C Cliff Swallow from birds captured on the North American breeding grounds from k-means clustering and assigned to Latin American non-breeding grounds. Location codes for breeding populations in bar graph: YT—Yukon Territory, BC—British Columbia, West—Western Canada and United States, SK—Saskatchewan, MB—Manitoba, ON—Ontario, East—eastern Canada, sUS—southern United States; see Fig. 1. Barplots represent the proportion of individuals from each breeding population likely originating from each spatial isotopic cluster using zonal statistics

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