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Fig. 6 | Movement Ecology

Fig. 6

From: Rhythm of relationships in a social fish over the course of a full year in the wild

Fig. 6

Number of communities at different levels of aggregation. (A) A visualization of the network structure assessed across different timescales. The solid line indicates the number of communities (3 or more members) and the dashed line indicates percentage of realized links as a function of aggregation time for each month. Each has its own y-axis. Shaded regions surrounding the solid lines are standard errors. The x-axis is log-scaled. At the hour scale, few links are realized and only few communities can be observed. At the day-scale a maximal amount of communities are realized. At the scale of weeks the clusters become completely mixed and are identified as a single community. (B) Four example networks, two for day (left) and two for night (right), with communities detected (coloured separately, where colors indicate inferred community) by the Infomap algorithm [99]. Each is an aggregate over four days in September, the references marked with a star and a diamond on the corresponding curves in (A)

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