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Fig. 2 | Movement Ecology

Fig. 2

From: Timing is critical: consequences of asynchronous migration for the performance and destination of a long-distance migrant

Fig. 2

Influence of timing of starting leg 1, leg 2 and leg 3 on white stork migration performance. Model predictions of the relationship between the starting date of migratory legs and A1–A3 migration duration (days), B1–B3 beeline migratory distance (km), C1–C3 route straightness (0–1), and D1–D3 mean flight energy expenditure (ODBA, G). Data was modelled using linear and generalised linear mixed models, with gaussian (models A, B and D) and beta distributions (models C), using bird id and year, and (models D) logger model, as random factors. Red lines show the statistically significant relationships, and purple and yellow lines highlight the statistically significant differences between adult and juvenile performance, respectively. Shading represents 95% confidence intervals and points show the raw data for adults (purple) and juveniles (yellow)

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