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Table 1 Sample sizes of black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) on which geolocation loggers (GLS) were deployed, resighted and recaptured

From: Wintering North Pacific black-legged kittiwakes balance spatial flexibility and consistency






St Paul








23 (85 %)

19 (79 %)

27 (87 %)

69 (84 %)


22 (81 %)

18 (75 %)

19 (61 %)

59 (72 %)

St George








26 (87 %)

15 (88 %)

26f(92 %)

67 (89 %)


22 (73 %)

15 (88 %)

25 (89 %)

62 (83 %)

  1. Birds were not individually marked in 2008 so resights rely on birds attending the same nests in subsequent years. Like recaptures, resights presented are cumulative, so birds from 2008 had three seasons of following effort, while birds from 2010 only had one year of recapture and resighting effort. Our objective was to recatch rather than resight birds, which often required hiding from birds rather than reading alphanumeric bands. Most birds were deployed with GPS and GLS loggers for a summer foraging study [27, 28], were subsequently recaptured and GLS loggers redeployed for overwinter. Thus deployment numbers also include 7 birds that were not recaptured during the summer breeding season (GPS tags fell off when tail feathers were molted); subsequently only 2 of these birds were recaught or resighted. Omitting these birds (and those whose nesting ledges fell) gives an overall resight of 91 %
  2. a Includes 1 bird deployed for the summer with a GPS and a GLS logger; the GPS was not recovered and the bird was not resighted in subsequent seasons
  3. b 3 birds were deployed in on a cliff face that collapsed overwinter and never resighted. These birds may have relocated to other areas of the colony where, due to the size of the cliffs, we were unable to resight them
  4. c Includes 2 birds deployed for the summer with a GPS and a GLS logger; the GPS was not recovered and birds were not resighted in subsequent seasons
  5. d Includes 2 birds deployed with both a GPS and GLS logger; the GPS was not recovered. 1 bird was recaught with a GLS logger in 2009, the other was not resighted
  6. e Includes 2 birds deployed with both a GPS and GLS logger; the GPS was not recovered. 1 bird was recaught with a GLS logger in 2010, the other was not resighted
  7. f High Bluffs, where 2 GLS loggers were deployed in 2010, was only visited twice in 2011 and 1 bird was never seen