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Table 1 Candidate models used to test the relative importance of forestry roads, public roads, and buildings and habitat selection and movement in male brown bears

From: Movement and habitat selection of a large carnivore in response to human infrastructure differs by life stage


Explanatory covariates

Resource selection function (landscape availability)


Clearcut + bog + TRI + Dist.Water

Forestry roads

Core + Dist.ForestryRoads

Public roads

Core + Dist.PublicRoads


Core + Dist.Building

Forestry and public roads

Core + Dist.ForestryRoads + Dist.PublicRoads

Forestry roads and buildings

Core + Dist.ForestryRoads + Dist.Building

Public roads and buildings

Core + Dist.PublicRoads + Dist.Building


Core + Dist.ForestryRoads + Dist.PublicRoads + Dist.Building

Integrated step selection analysis (local availability)


SLa + log(SL) + cos(TAb) + clearcut_endc + bog_end + TRI_end + Dist.Water_endd + log(SL):clearcut_start

Forestry roads

Core + Dist.ForestryRoads_end + log(SL): Dist.ForestryRoads_start

Public roads

Core + Dist.PublicRoads_end + log(SL): Dist.PublicRoads_start


Core + Dist.Building_end + log(SL): Dist.Buildling_start

Forestry and public roads

Core + Dist.ForestryRoads_end + log(SL):Dist.ForestryRoads_start + Dist.PublicRoads_end + log(SL): Dist.PublicRoads_start

Forestry roads and buildings

Core + Dist.ForestryRoads_end + log(SL): Dist.ForestryRoads_start + Dist.Building_end + log(SL): Dist.Buildling_start

Public roads and buildings

Core + Public roads + log(SL): Dist.PublicRoads_start + Dist.Building_end + log(SL): Dist.Buildling_start


Core + Dist.ForestryRoads_end + log(SL): Dist.ForestryRoads_start + Dist.PublicRoads_end + log(SL): Dist.PublicRoads_start + Dist.Building_end + log(SL): Dist Buildling_start

  1. aStep length
  2. bTurning angle
  3. c“_end” and “_start” denote if the covariate was extracted from the start or the end point
  4. d“Dist” is an abbreviation for “distance-to”, and the distance to features were log transformed