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Table 1 Summary of response variables, predictors (fixed effects) and random effects used in linear mixed effects models of traveling behaviors

From: Foraging on the wing for fish while migrating over changing landscapes: traveling behaviors vary with available aquatic habitat for Caspian terns

Types of variables

Variable names

Response variables

Travel speed (km/day), median flight height (m above ground level), average daily flight hours, average day to night flight ratio, straightness


Proportion of overlap with water bodies, tailwind, crosswind, vertical flow, air temperature, surface temperature**, total precipitation*, cloud cover, days of migration, days at previous stopover, age (adult or juvenile)

Random effects


  1. Predictors with one asterisk (*) were not included in spring models and those with two asterisks (**) were not included in both autumn and spring models to avoid multicolinearity of explanatory variables. Random effects of breeding colony and year are not shown in the table because these were removed for the second step of analyses according to model support and singularity outlined in the methods