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Table 2 Definitions for components of detectability and how they were estimated. We formalized daily detection probability as a four-step process involving animal movement and camera efficacy. The probability of a camera detecting the target species involves the number of times per day that animals visit the plot (\( \overline{N} \)), the probability that these animals will subsequently pass an individual camera (\( {\overline{r}}_c \)), and the probability of the camera sensing the animal and triggering fast enough to take an identifiable picture (rt, rp)

From: Empirical evaluation of the spatial scale and detection process of camera trap surveys


Statistical Description

Estimator Definition

\( \overline{N} \)

Average visit rate

Mean number of paths crossing the grid per day

\( {\overline{r}}_c \)

Pr(Pass | Visit)

Probability that animal on grid passes a camera


Pr(Trigger | Visit, Pass)

Proportion of passes resulting in any photograph


Pr(Photo | Visit, Pass, Trigger)

Proportion of photographs that contain the animal