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Table 2 Overview of covariates considered in the HMMs for the snow-free summer and snow-covered winter bursts

From: An application of upscaled optimal foraging theory using hidden Markov modelling: year-round behavioural variation in a large arctic herbivore

Covariate type



Biological effect

Data type

Spatial/temporal resolution

Data source


time of day

hour of the day

diel variation in environmental conditions, associated with predation risk levels




Julian day

day of the year

proxy for fine-scale seasonal variation in environmental conditions and diet quality





season-year (e.g. winter season 2013/2014, summer season 2014)

interannual variation in environmental conditions





light conditions (daylight or darkness) at time of observation

light, visibility, associated with predation risk levels



determined using ‘streamMetabolism’ package in R


landcover type

NDVI-derived landcover classification (NDVI ≥0.35 = ‘dense vegetation’, 0.1–0.35 = ‘sparse vegetation’, <  0.1 = ‘bare ground’ (including non-vegetated areas such as glaciers, perennial snow and lakes))

associated with plant productivity, forage abundance


30 m

vegetation classes classified based on NDVI, using Landsat 4-5TM satellite image, dated 17 July 2009; non-vegetated derived from 1:100.000 topographic maps, field measurements from study area [23, 33]


elevation (m.a.s.l.)

elevation above sea level

associated with plant productivity and snow accumulation


30 m

ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Version 2 (

terrain ruggedness (index)

mean of the absolute differences between the value of a cell and the value of its 8 surrounding cells, i.e. measure of terrain heterogeneity

associated with vegetation heterogeneity and variation in snow conditions


30 m

calculated from DEM using ‘terrain’ function in ‘raster’ package in R

distance to coast (m)

Euclidian distance to coastline

proxy for coast-inland gradients in e.g. precipitation, temperature


30 m

calculated from DEM using ‘raster’ package in R

hillshade (unitless)

amount of incoming radiation, combining slope and aspect

associated with local temperature, plant productivity and snow melt dynamics


30 m

calculated from DEM using ‘hillShade’ function in ‘raster’ package in R


snow depth (m)

snow depth

associated with forage accessibility and costs of foraging/movement

continuous, modelled

300 m, 3 h

MicroMet high-resolution meteorological model coupled with SnowModel snow-evolution modelling tool [17, 18, 34]


ambient temperature (°C)

ambient air temperature (2 m above ground surface)

thermal conditions, associated with insect harassment


wind speed (m/s)

wind speed (2 m above ground surface)

associated with thermal conditions (windchill effect) and insect harassment


wind direction (degrees from north)

wind direction (2 m above ground surface)

associated with thermal conditions (windchill effect)


precipitation (mm)

precipitation (rainfall or snow) at time t

precipitation, associated with thermal conditions


NDVI (index)

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

measure of vegetation greenness, related to vegetation growth and aboveground biomass [35]

continuous, observed

300 m, daily

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Daily Surface Reflectance [34]