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Fig. 6 | Movement Ecology

Fig. 6

From: Activity seascapes highlight central place foraging strategies in marine predators that never stop swimming

Fig. 6

Activity seascapes for blacktip reef sharks at Palmyra atoll. a The volume of probability of diel activity determined from accelerometers (see Fig. 2) shown in a space-time cube, where each voxel gets the value of respective probability based on the time in the voxel. Darker/lighter green voxels in the probability volume correspond to higher/lower probability values in the chart. b Space-time density volume for blacktip reef sharks (n = 17). The bottom panel shows the projection of the volume onto the two geographic dimensions, i.e. the map of Palmyra atoll. Note that this is a view from above the 3D UD volume and not a 2D UD surface. c Activity seascape for blacktip reef sharks (n = 17), where voxel values are obtained as a voxel-by-voxel product of volumes in a) and b). The bottom panel shows the projection of the volume onto the map of Palmyra atoll. d Space-time density for an individual blacktip reef shark (duration = 1108 days) and e) activity seascape for the same blacktip reef shark. Note the similarity of the individual patterns with the respective patterns of the whole group in panels b) and c). Voxel size in all volumetric representations is 100 m × 100 m × 10 min, creating a Space-Time volume of 202 × 56 × 144 voxels (20.2 km × 5.6 km × 24 h)

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