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Table 2 Site fidelity during the migration period in the Yellow Sea for Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica and Great Knots Calidris tenuirostris, as measured from satellite tracking data and resighting data

From: Site fidelity of migratory shorebirds facing habitat deterioration: insights from satellite tracking and mark-resighting


Bar-tailed Godwit

Great Knot


Satellite tracking data

Median number of sites used per individual:


2 (range: 1–3)

3 (range: 1–4)



2 (range: 1–3)

2.5 (range: 1–4)


Percentage of individuals visiting the same sites during northward and southward migration

80% (n = 20)

67% (n = 12)

p = 0.43

Percentage of time spent in the repeatedly visited sites (of total staging duration in southward migration)

Median = 92%

Median = 19%

p = 0.01*

Resighting data

Percentage of individuals resighted at n Yellow Sea site(s) within a northward migration

 1 site

99.2% (132 birds)

97.7% (333 birds)

p = 0.45

 2 sites

0.8% (1 bird)

2.1% (7 birds)

 3 sites


0.3% (1 bird)

Percentage of individuals resighted at the same Yellow Sea site during both northward and southward migration

90.9% (n = 11)

63.6% (n = 11)

p = 0.31

Percentage of individuals resighted at the same Yellow Sea site in >  = 2 northward migrations

98.0% (n = 102)

89.5% (n = 267)

p = 0.005*

  1. Differences between the two species in proportions of individuals were tested by Fisher’s exact tests. The difference in percentage of time spent in the repeatedly visited sites was tested by fractional regression
  2. *p < 0.05