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Fig. 5 | Movement Ecology

Fig. 5

From: Ponds as experimental arenas for studying animal movement: current research and future prospects

Fig. 5

Examples of experimental data obtained using the iPonds system allowing for analysis of for example social interactions (A) and movement in a landscape of fear (B)

A: Individual distances to nearest three conspecific neighbours were estimated for n = 17 tagged roach (Rutilus rutilus) individuals. Data shown are median distances in ten-minute intervals for a 14-day period (black dots) and an individual generalized additive model (lines). Diurnal dynamics of social interactions (distance to their nearest neighbour) are clearly visible and characterized by smaller inter-individual distances during day as compared to night-time

B: Roach distances to four net cages during periods of seven days when the cage either contained (red) or not contained a pike (Esox lucius). For each day, individual empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdfs) where estimated for each individual roach. Period specific 50% interquartile of these day-individual ecdfs were obtained and plotted. Lines represent median ecdfs

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