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Fig. 2 | Movement Ecology

Fig. 2

From: Synchronous timing of return to breeding sites in a long-distance migratory seabird with ocean-scale variation in migration schedules

Fig. 2

Wintering areas of Arctic Skuas tracked from breeding areas between East Greenland and West Siberia. Dots represent centroids of wintering positions for each track, coloured per wintering area (boxes). Green shaded areas reflect the breeding range, with red-filled dots showing the studied breeding sites, which are enlarged in the upper panel to show pie charts representing the proportion of individuals wintering in each of the seven wintering areas, with the size corresponding to the total number of individuals tracked. Sample sizes are shown as the number of tracks/number of individuals. The main stopover in the North Atlantic is shown as a dark green polygon. Abbreviations for breeding sites are SVA = Svalbard, KVP = Karupelv, HOC = Hochstetter Forland, ICE = Iceland, FAR = Faroe Islands, FAI = Fair Isle, ROU = Rousay, SVA = Svalbard, SLE = Slettnes, BRH = Brensholmen, TOB = Tobseda, ERK = Erkuta and FIN = Finland, and for breeding areas are GRE = Greenland, SCO = Scotland, NOR = mainland Norway and RUS = Russia. Abbreviations for wintering areas are PAT = Patagonian Shelf, BEN = Benguela region, GUL = Gulf of Guinea, CAR = Caribbean region, CAN = Canary Current, MED = Mediterranean Sea and IND = Indian Ocean. Sites within countries were merged for statistical analyses

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